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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What will I find on this website?
The Vinny Demme Portfolio is a politics-based blog split up into six different categories: “Personal Sparks of Interests & Reflection”, “How Our Government Works”, “Environmental Essays”, “Looking Back on History”, “Influential Politicians”, an “Essays Against Corruption”. 
Q: How often are essays & posts published?
On this blog, you will find two posts per week - one on Monday and one on Thursday. 
Q: How long are the essays and posts?
Each post is about five-ten pages in a Google Docs document, averaging at around 2,250 words each
Q: That's quite long... is there any other way I can access the material? 
Yes! Each written post will also feature a read voice recording of the text recorded by The Vinny Demme Portfolio’s very own voice-over artist, Emily. Not to mention the fact that some posts will feature videos that are also available on both and 
Q: How can I be sure what I'm reading is reliable?
The Vinny Demme Portfolio strives to bring reliable information through fact-checking and bias checking. Using sources like the ad fontes media chart and, sources are verified to be unbiased and truthful. Many sources will also come directly from my university's online library, which features scholar-reviewed sources. Sources will also be shared with each post having a list of references to look at with links. 
Q: How can I contact you, and interact with other viewers? 
If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or debates, feel free to contact The Vinny Demme Portfolio personally at any time. Your feedback, which is available to give in the contact section of the home page, will be read with answers back as soon as possible. You can even sign up to post comments on posts and reply to others. Of course, some thoughts, for example, thoughts of racism, sexism, misogyny, conspiracy theories, etc. that are seen as thoughts and opinions that can harm others comments or feedback like that will not be tolerated. 
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