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Writer's pictureVinny Demme

Who Run the World? - Amanda Gorman-inspired writing & working to turn a new page on Women's History

It has come, the third month of 2021.

In all its glory, it came after record-breaking stories--

Winter in Texas, people losing power.

Global pandemic killing nearly one hundred every hour.

Yet, with this, there is still hope while strife and fear grip the entire globe.

With March comes another chance to orate--another change to legislate--

another chance to celebrate.

Another chance to hand a plate to the women in our world who still feel so much hate. The women who have brought--to our communities, to our world, to our lives--honor and courage while still being seen as only wives and still being barred from the debate.

While we celebrate Women’s History Month, as we have for so many years, women all

over the globe are still not revered. Women in the workplace will not land the higher

roles, women in educational environments will still be told

To cover up their shoulders--an action that only perpetuates sexualization from a young age--a different form of plague that keeps women harassed in the world at all times of day, given the images of the perfect physique society so often portrays.

So many women are my closest friends, so many women I wish to know until the end,

so many women I’ve dishonored by not taking the time to look beyond the lines of what

history wants us to remember and what history wants us to leave burning in embers.

I, someone who has only really tried to stop his arrogance and have finally begun acting on a chance to take a deep dive into things many miss at first glance, do hope that this new chance I’ve given myself will lead to more people wanting to aid in advance.

So, as I work to educate my readers and learn more to become a better father and

husband to my future daughter and wife so dedicate this month and the content that will

be shared on this website to the women who have inspired me the most

throughout my life--

From my Mom to my best friend Grace, from my sister to Jolene,

To Laura, Piper, Emily, Kira, Annie, Colleen.

To Lauren, Lily, Trina, Chelsea, and Lily, Greta,

To Ari, Millie, Alexandria, Micayla, and Kamala.

I know I haven’t been the best, and I know I’m far from knowing how to completely respect.

But I hope for some assistance to ask a question that puts us all in a whirl…

A question that asks “Who Run the World?” and the answer being “girls”.


Okay, I admit, I really tried to do an Amanda Gorman poem here, but I’m far from the level of expertise Ms. Gorman has shown through her writings. Still, I really wanted to try something new to get my point across, something that would reflect the new month of March under a new administration under an evolving political system with a female vice president and many, many more female legislators.

If this were “Men’s History Month”, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with so many names instantly. Simply put, nearly all my greatest role models and closest friends are women: women who have all gone through hardships I could never even imagine going through; women who have been sexually assaulted, abused, and treated unequally even while in committed relationships; women who have suffered through anxiety and loss; and women who have been barred by the glass ceiling and misogyny. But here’s the things--they’ve all bounced back, they’ve all strived to make changes, and they have all remained strong because, simply, that’s what women do.

I haven’t seen some in a very long time (and it’s been months since I’ve spoken to a few), but their inspiration still lives on inside me and everyone else they’ve inspired--an inspiration that should be honored and revered.

A little over a month ago, America inaugurated its first female vice president in history, a woman named Kamala Harris. While Vice President Harris may not have been my first choice, I still see her accomplishment as a fantastic feat. It’s actually still pretty unbelievable that babies are being born into an America that has finally elected a female vice president, an America where women of all ages can look up to not necessarily just Kamala Harris but a woman in that historical position. While it is an enormous feat, one that we should be looking at, regardless of political affiliation, as a historic moment...I find it quite depressing.

Women were with the pilgrims when they first landed on Plymouth Rock 401 years

ago…yet it was still another 300 years before they were allowed to vote.

Women fought in the revolution and wrote pieces that inspired America’s governmental system, yet it was still another 195 years until the first woman was elected into congress.

After the first woman was elected into Congress, it was nearly forty years until

America’s first female vice-presidential nominee, Charlotta Bass.

After Charlotta Bass, it was another sixty-four years until America’s first female presidential nominee, and finally, the first female vice president, Kamala Harris.

What Vice President Harris means to the nation is something historic. Yet, it’s been 400 years since America first came to be. Four hundred years of disrespect, misogyny, and unequal rights. Of course, things have gotten a bit better in recent times, yet they’ve really just started fully getting better. There are still so many glass ceilings left to shatter in executive offices and governmental bodies as well as workplaces, educational environments, and everyday life.

It shouldn’t be something so exceptional that we are seeing women finally getting a voice, finally breaking barriers. While it’s inspiring to see, it should just be routine by now. This is why I will do my best to march, write, learn, and educate throughout Women’s History Month 2021.

It’s the least I can do for the amazing women around the world and in my life.


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